Electric Power

Providing electric power suppliers and distributors with stud welding solutions.
Businesses in the electric power industry, especially those that specialize in power distribution and switchgear, have unique and demanding weld stud needs, and only Image Industries has the breadth and experience to deliver.
We offer a wide range of threaded weld studs in carbon steel, nickel plate and stainless steel to provide the weld studs, equipment and service you need, when you need it. Our custom-engineered, innovative arc stud welding products will solve your production challenges.
Our Stud Welding Products For Electric Power
The products we provide are developed specifically for arc stud welding applications, which is the most common type of fabrication for electrical manufacturing. This process uses a shielding gas to meld two metals together while protecting the base metals from contamination. We provide threaded and non-threaded advanced process studs that help join metals that have electrical conductivity.
Since arc stud welding is a portable method of joining, it can be used to join a variety of metals used in power distribution. The arc weld studs and equipment we provide to electrical orgnaizations and manufacturers are compatible with nearly any electrical application, with spatter not being an issue. With Image Industries stud welding products, power distribution and switchgear systems can be easily developed.
Why Choose Image Industries?
No project is too big or too small for Image Industries — our team will provide a working solution to ensure the electric power system experiences zero downtime. Whether your organization specifically manufactures electrical conductors or is designing a full residential system, the stud welding specialists at Image can provide the necessary weld studs and equipment.
Image Industries brings you:
- On-Site Service and Operator Training. Fast on-site service and training minimize operator and stud welding equipment problems, and maximize production and quality.
- Versatility. We can produce specialty stud welding products from copper, brass and silicon bronze, or in specialty configurations, to meet special needs.
- A Focus On Quality. We have ISO9000 certification and have received countless quality awards.
- U.S. Made. Our stud welding products are designed and manufactured in the U.S., and can be tailor-made to your application.
Get Started With Stud Welding Products Today
Our team of welding professionals specializes in providing organizations in the electric power industry with arc stud welding equipment, including premier machinery and studs. We provide the necessary resources for electrical manufacturers and power distribution specialists to thrive. For more information on our stud welding products for the electric power industry, call Image Industries at (866) 944-0335 or request a quote online today.
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Building lasting bonds since 1976.
Providing superior stud welding and stud welder parts and equipment isn't enough. We also strive to deliver better service and unmatched expertise. And that's exactly what we've been doing for more than 40 years.
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